
Obama VS Fly Games on Facebook

In Obama VS Fly you are the pesky fly on Obama's hand, and you must escape before Obama smashes you.

Obama will try to distract you by fiddling with his fingers before trying to smack you, but don't fly away just yet!

When Obama stops fiddling with his fingers, that's your cue to click your mouse button as fast as you can to get away so you can nag him more.
Yoo gotta love Obama....he is good at everything!

To play, login to Facebook and go here.


Nade Reborn Games on Facebook

Nade Reborn is a funny game you play as a Vietnam vet who has gone mentally insane and has decided to destroy everything that passes his building. Do not let people escape your wrath, doing so will make you more mad and increase your blood pressure. So be careful not to have a heart attack and die. Move the vet with YOUR MOUSE and click LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to use weapons. Use 1-8 NUMBER KEYS to switch weapons.

To play, login to Facebook and go here.


Facebook Username: The Big Bang!!!

Well, this is just an update about Facebook Username.
Right after the Facebook Username gone LIVE, in just 3 minutes, the number showed that it reach 200,000 usernames have been registered.

After 15 minutes the number gone to 500,000 registered usernames.

After an hour the number gone to 1,000,000 registered usernames.

Ain't that a BIG bang for Facebook...

Well, some source that i've read tells me that the number have gone to 6 Million Custom Usernames.

If you wanted to join in the number, well you could go to:


Facebook Usernames: Enjoy

Have you knew the good news about Facebook Usernames!??
Facebook now lets you use usernames in the URL for your Facebook page, rather than the series of crazy numbers to distinguish your personal URL.

From the beginning of Facebook, people have used their real names to share and connect with the people they know. This authenticity helps to create a trusted environment because you know the identity of the people and things on Facebook. The one place, though, where your identity wasn't reflected was in the Web address for your profile or the Facebook Pages you administer. The URL was just a randomly assigned number like "id=123456789." That soon will change.

Facebook usernames would make it easier for people to find and connect with you. When your friends, family members or co-workers visit your profile or Pages on Facebook, they will be able to enter your username as part of the URL in their browser. This way people will have an easy-to-remember way to find you. We expect to offer even more ways to use your Facebook username in the future.

Wanna know how??
Simple, Go to:

Your new Facebook URL is like your personal destination, or home, on the Web. People can enter a Facebook username as a search term on Facebook or a popular search engine like Google, for example, which will make it much easier for people to find friends with common names.

Well, i hope you get the Facebook Username you want!!!

Get your Facebook username now!!!